Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the time this is related to a compatibility problem with our training material and the internet browser. There are a huge number of browsers out there and unfortunately we can’t make our lessons compatible with each and every one of them. We test with Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Have a look at the table below to choose the best browser for your operating system.


You will first need to complete the lesson in full before the quiz will unlock. Take your time with the lessons, make notes and study the material before taking the quizzes. 

Not all lessons will have a quiz. The lesson navigation will show you if there is a quiz associated with the topic/lesson.

Questions are normally be presented in multiple-choice format and generally have three or four choices. Variations such as True/False. Yes/No. Multiple-response and Fill-in-the-Blank spaces questions may also be used where appropriate.

The pass mark for all examinations is 75%.

You can write:

  • All exams at the SACAA,          
  • CPL, ATPL, Instrument Rating (Operational Procedures), General Radiotelephony Operator’s Certificate at an Out-station (Written) examination as per published schedule.
  • PPL, PPL validation. Night Rating. Restricted Radiotelephony Operator’s Certificate, as online examinations at Accredited Examination Centres (most flight schools).

A candidate who has failed an examination, may not rewrite the applicable examination subject–

  • in the case of a first or second failure, within a period of 7 calendar days after date of failure;
  • in the case of a third or subsequent failure, within a period of 2 calendar months after date of failure;
  • in any case where a score of less than 50% was achieved, within a period of 2 calendar months after date of failure.

You must pass all your exams within 18 months from passing the 1st exam. Should they lapse you will have to rewrite even the ones you have passed. Once you have passed your exams you have 36 months to pass the skills test

EASA regulations give us a guide on the minimum hours for an approved theoretical knowledge course. For the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) a minimum of 250 hours and for the Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) a minimum of 400 hours is required. As this is just the minimum classroom time you can reasonably expect to double those hours with your own study and revision time. For the CPL, if you work 6 hours a day for 5 days a week you can complete the course in about 5 months. Our facilitated CBT is structured to take place over a 6-month cycle.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts here, despite what some schools or your friends might tell you about their “sure-fire method”. There is no substitute – it requires a dedicated, focussed approach.

It can be very tempting and it’s very easy to just click your way through the presentations and come to a quiz at the end and realise you hadn’t been paying attention at all, or perhaps didn’t understand things as well as you might have thought. Try not to see the quizzes as a “road-block” but rather as a tool to help you ensure you really have understood each concept before moving on.

Make and keep a study schedule. When studying remotely by CBT it takes some discipline to treat your studies as seriously as you would if attending classes at a college or university. Set aside certain hours of each day for study. Keep the same schedule faithfully from day-to-day.

If concentration is your problem, then the right surroundings will help you greatly. Your study desk or table should be in a quiet place – free from as many distractions as possible. You will concentrate better when you study in the same place every day. It’s a mind-set. For example, when you sit down at the kitchen table, you expect to eat. When you sit down in an easy chair, you watch TV, etc. Developing the habit of studying in the same place at the same time every day will improve your concentration.

Your study desk or table should be equipped with all the materials you might need for the subject, e.g., pencils, pens, erasers, protractor, maps, performance manuals, calculator, slide rule, snacks, and liquid refreshments, etc. With your materials at hand, you can study without interruption. Turn your phone off or at least to silent – you can return the calls after you have finished studying. Taking your snack food and drinks to the study location will eliminate those endless trips to the kitchen which break your concentration. Researchers tell us that there is a relationship between orderliness and high test scores. Knowing where to find your materials when you need them is crucial.

Flash cards aren’t just for kids! They are a legitimate study tool. Use the front of the card to write an important term, and on the back, write a definition or an important fact about that term. Carry your flash cards with you. Use them during “dead time,” such as standing in a queue, waiting in a doctor or dentist’s office or riding a bus. Post them on your bathroom mirror to review while shaving or applying make-up. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish during those otherwise “dead times.”

Learn to take good notes efficiently as your instructor or CBT stresses important points. Good notes are a must for reviewing just before your exam. Repetition is a powerful learning tool. Make use of the ability of the CBT to pause often and repeat as necessary. An important element of the repetition is your being an active participant in the process – take notes, make summaries, draw mind maps etc. Without this important step you will not get the best value from the product. Have a look at these links for some great ideas:

Psychologists tell us that the secret to learning for future reference is overlearning. Experts suggest that after you can say, “I know this material,” that you should continue to study that material for an additional one-fourth of the original study time. The alphabet is an example of overlearning. How did you learn it? Probably through recitation which is the best way to etch material into the memory. Manipulate the material as many different ways as possible by writing, reading, touching, hearing, and saying it. In an experimental study, students who overlearned material retained four times as much after a month than students who didn’t overlearn.

A student who does not review material can forget 80% of what has been learned in only two weeks! The first review should come very shortly after the material was first presented and studied. Reviewing early acts as a safeguard against forgetting and helps you remember far longer. Frequent reviews throughout the course will bring rewards at exam time and will alleviate anxiety.

Hackers are relentless! We are getting upward of 50 attempts on our website each day and as a result we have had to increase the security features. One of these that may cause you some inconvenience is the requirement for passwords to be strong – and this can sometimes mean they’re difficult to remember.

We can recommend the use of a secure password locker like BitWarden. It works on all your devices and you only need to remember one very secure password for your account. Don’t forget that one though as there is no way to recover your account without it. Have a look at this website for tips on creating a personalized, secure password that you can remember.

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